Doomed Soul


[vc_testimonial][vc_testimonial_item rating=”5″ name=”Self-Publishing Review” quote=”
Far more than another of the currently popular anti-religion screeds. Boomsliter, you see, has a sense of humor. This is not to say that Boomsliter’s book takes the subject lightly, just that he has some fun. He shows a willingness, if not to consider that he may be mistaken, to at least consider that he doesn’t have the answers. This is a very refreshing approach in this genre.”][/vc_testimonial]


Welcome to Doomed Soul, my first attempt to explore the blogging world.

My name is Robert Boomsliter and I recently wrote a book. It’s a very small book, about 60 pages, but I tried very hard not to put in too many unnecessary words. From reviewer comments I gather that it is not boring and very few found it unworthy or dishonest.

I am learning how to create this website primarily to promote the book. It can be found here.

It is, essentially, a criticism of religious faith. I have found some satisfaction in exploring some conventional (read popular) wisdom and pointing out features which are not necessarily wise. I invite the visitor of this site to read this virgin effort at authorship and, if so inclined, do me the honor of expressing their thoughts on it.

I intend to post related observations on this site from time to time. I cannot claim to do this frequently since I am at an advanced age and lack the requisite stamina, enthusiasm, and passion. But I will do my best to be concise and non-trivial.

I claim authority and expertise on one subject only. My opinion.

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